Tuesday, July 24, 2012

IT'S A. . .


That's right, another boy in this family.  I guess that still makes me the Princess?  Or does that make me the Queen? 

Here's the little nugget!

Either way, I am excited to have another baby in the house.  I have to admit, I was a little sad that I wasn't able to run out and buy something pink right away.  Even my sister called me before my ultrasound and said, "IF IT'S A GIRL, I AM RUNNING OUT AND BUYING SOMETHING PINK IMMEDIATELY".  Pretty sure my mom was going to do the same thing!  :)  Can you tell that we are all DYING for some pink in this family?  Well, we are still holding out hope for my brother and sister-in-law.  

On to the next phase of Mommy Planning 101.  We need a name.  I want to name our little guy Alexander Michael Licht.  Brian is not so sold on that name yet.  Don't worry, he will be, come November!  :)  

My actual due date is December 4, 2012 (Same as my Mom's birthday) - - -BUT, I will be having another C-Section, so it looks like this will be a November baby.  Jacob and Alex baby boy will  be 23 months apart.  We can't wait to meet him!    

OK, so all this testosterone was really starting to get to me, so I did what any pregnant woman would do.  I mixed myself a drink.  A Preggatini, of course.  I don't care if you are pregnant or not pregnant, this has to go on your summer drink menu!  Amazing! (Great idea for a baby shower drink too)


  • 2-3 drops Fee’s grapefruit bitters* (optional)
  • 2 ounces freshly squeezed pink grapefruit juice
  • 1 ounce tangerine juice
  • Top with blood orange soda
  • Stirrings Tangerini® rimming sugar
Instructions: Rim a champagne flute with rimming sugar. Pour in juices, bitters and top with blood orange soda.

Cheers to Baby #2!  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh Boy, or Girl!

HELLO!  This is my first time back, on my blog, after almost 3 months.  I have been so sick, that I have not had the desire to go online, let alone, blog.  BUT, I have some fun news to share!  

We're pregnant again!  Baby #2 is set to debut around the end of November.  I just had my 17 week check-up, and everything sounded great.  

You second time moms out there will probably agree with me when I say, this pregnancy does not get nearly as much attention as the first one does.  When pregnant with Jacob, I remember going to work, logging onto my computer and stalking my email until babycenter.com posted what size fruit or vegetable my baby was.  I was like WHAT?!?!?!  An avocado this week?  No way!  How can I be this huge already if I should only look like I have an avocado in there?  Well, maybe because I would come home from work and eat a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and lay on the couch until it was time to go to bed.

This pregnancy is much different.  I am super active with Jacob, always running around.  I am on my feet from 7am until 8pm.  I had to Google, the other day, to find out how big my baby was.  No more emails for me.  I haven't set it up with babycenter.com that I am even pregnant again.  They still think I am just chillin', with excessive energy, while playing with my toddler.  I don't have time to lounge and think about what the baby is going to look like, what my delivery will be like...all these things you have time to think about with the first.  

Sorry baby #2.  I promise I will give you tons of attention when you arrive!  :) 

This is the time of pregnancy that I hate the most.  Not because I am almost unable to wear my "normal" clothes, but because I am dying to find out if it is a boy or a girl.  So, like any pregnant woman would do (and don't you even pretend that you haven't done this), I hop online when Jacob is fast asleep, and I take every test there is to see what I am having!  

I know, I know...most of them are Wives Tales, but how much fun is it to play the game!

Here is the run down on the Wives Tales for baby #2....

What do I feel like I am having? 
They always say a mother's instinct is usually correct...SO...if this holds true, I am having another boy.  I just feel it.  AND, every other person I know is having a boy, so why not me too.  My sister just found out she is having another boy, so I should probably have one just so our kids can be BFF's!  :)  Seriously, what is going on with the baby boy boom?  It's like one of those freaky Sci-Fi movies where only boys are being born.  All the girls are killed off and there are no more possibilities for reproduction, so the world ends.  OK, a little far fetched...but seriously, what's up with it?  Anyway, I am holding on to my gut feeling, I think I am having a boy.

The urine test....
Apparently you can urinate in a cup of Drano, and it will turn brown if it's a boy and produce no change, if it's a girl.  However, EVERY website says that the fumes can be TOXIC and DAMAGING to unborn children, so why risk it why you can buy a Gender Test for $40.00?  OK, so Brian thought it was the biggest rip-off, but when the Sunday Paper got delivered and I saw that coupon for $25.00 off the Gender Test, there was no way he could stop me.  It was meant to be!  :)  You are probably thinking, "Really Lauren, that desperate to find out?  Why not wait 10 more weeks?".  Because anyone who knows me, knows that is not even a possibility.  I bought the test at 10 weeks.  It said I was having a BOY within seconds of taking it.  Looking at the testimonials, it looks like it can be considered reliable.   http://www.intelligender.com/home.html  

How am I carrying the baby?
I am carrying a little higher than last time.  Jacob was really low, this baby is a little higher.  Low baby, boy...high baby, girl.  

Have I been sick?
Yes, from week 6-14 I was sick everyday, three-four times a day.  Since week 14, and I am now 17 weeks, I have only been sick a total of three times.  The more sick you are, odds are, it's a girl.  BUT, I was sick with Jacob, too.  

Is my babies heartbeat above 140?
Yes, my baby's heartbeat is 156-160, every time.  They say that a boy's heartbeat is lower than 140.  Not true with Jacob.  He was 150 every time...BOY.  BUT, if I go by this theory, then it's a girl.

Do you look amazing during your pregnancy?
Well, Brian tells me I do, but I feel like I got beat with the ugly stick.  My hair is more thin than ever before, face has red marks on it, skin is super dry.  Wow, I sound really hot, don't I?  The Old Wives Tale is: If it's a boy, you are beautiful and glowing.  If it's a girl, she sucks the beauty out of you.  Well, if it's a girl, she sucked it out!  If it's a boy, thanks a lot kid!  :)

What kind of foods do you crave?
This one is a hard one.  
Boy: Salty, Meats, Cheese      
Girl: Sweets, Fruit, Juices
I love Veggie Subs, from Subway, with extra cheese.  I LOVE Lay's Sour Cream and Onion Chips.  However, I haven't been able to touch ANY meat (with the exception of pork (WHICH I HATE when I am not pregnant))  Well, I love bacon, but bacon is in it's own category.  I don't even consider it a pork product.  :)   BUT, then I LOVE anything sweet (except not into chocolate this pregnancy - like I was with Jacob).  I can't get enough fruit juice, fruit, sour candy, fruit snacks, popsicles.  So, this is a toss up.  

The ring test....
I tied my ring to a string.  It went side to side.  That would mean that I am carrying a girl.  With Jacob it went around in a circle. 

The Chinese Calendar....
Every Chinese Calendar says that I will be having a girl.  It said that with Jacob too.  :)

If any or all of these fun Wives Tales are true, then I will be having a girl.  HOWEVER, I still think I will go with my gut (and my urine sample) and predict that I am having a boy!

What do you guys/gals think about these gender tests?  Any fun stories for me?  What do you think I am having?  

I will get the results July 23rd.  Come back and see if I need to buy pink, or if I can reuse all my blue!  :)    

Monday, April 30, 2012

Back To The Bathroom We Go!

As promised, I wanted to show you the last of the finishing touches we put into our bathroom renovation.

While searching for towel hooks, I wanted to find something as funky as I could to liven up our plain light grey walls.

Here are some hooks that were considered... (all photos below are courtesy of:  www.freshome.com)

pulpobigdriplifestyle 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

finger hanger 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

ghostantler 1 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

off on wall hang 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

hand hook 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

puppy but wall hook 25 of the Most Creative Wall Hook Designs

OK, actually all of those are heinous, and I would never consider putting any of those in my house, not even in my basement.  (Well, the antlers...maybe I could find a special place for those.  After all, I am from Wisconsin.)  But, seriously creative!    

So, I decided to stick to the original plan, and go boring, but not silver or brushed nickel boring... I wanted color.  Off to Anthropologie I went, the land of color and funk.  

AND...I found more yellow.  I really liked these though.  I didn't want to have to buy 3 hooks for behind the door, I just thought that would look odd.  So instead, I found these hooks, that fan out.  Now I have 3-in-1.  Or I guess you could say, 6-in-2?  How nice is that?  Jacob and I currently share a hook, and Bri-guy gets his own.    

Then, I needed to finish off the space with some artwork.  I didn't want the standard BRUSH YOUR TEETH sign, or WASH YOUR HANDS sign that you see in almost every bathroom.  Don't get me wrong, I found plenty of them that were adorable, but I just wanted something different.  I logged onto Etsy, and found some cute things...but nothing that said, "I want to stare at you, while I pee brush my teeth".

Yellow Rubber Ducky Typography Art Print - Sesame Street, fun child's bathroom or playroom decor - 8 x 10
Keep Calm and JUST RELAX - 11x14 Bathroom Art Print Poster (any color) - Buy 3 and get 1 FREE
Bathroom Sailor, Nautical Art, Little Sailor Remember to Flush, Wall Art Printable

SO, finally, I found a place called Near and Dear (they are on etsy) that does awesome map artwork.  Just an FYI, if you are my friend and haven't gotten married yet...this is your wedding present!  What an awesome idea, and so simple.  I should have thought of this years ago!  Anyway, I love it, and it was a perfect finishing touch to the bathroom I now love SO MUCH! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

H is for Hat

We are big into talking in the Licht household.  As most of you know, Brian and I never shut-up.  So, naturally, Jacob is repeating EVERYTHING, and talking up a storm.  The other day I asked Brian, "Are you ready?", and Jacob responded with, "READY MAMA!".  It's funny, he is only 16 months, but I feel like he just "gets it".  This is definitely the most fun I have had with him since he's been a newborn!  Plus, he can't say enough to smart back to me, but can say just enough to get his point across.  Why can't it stay this way forever?  

Anyway, we have been doing a lot of - A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cookie - letter/word recognition.  As I was flipping through Parents Magazine a couple months ago, I came across a DIY project (see below) that I thought looked like a fun way to get the "baby vibe" out of Jacob's room, but also to help him learn more vocabulary at the same time.  They had DIY chipboard letters, wrapped in yarn.  Before knowing how long this would take, I had a vision that I was going to create the letter A, then have a wooden stenciled apple next to it.  Then B, and  have a wooden stenciled ball next to it...and so on.  Yes, I was going to have the whole alphabet on Jacob's wall.  

Forget that idea!  After figuring out how long the whole alphabet would take to complete, I decided that one word would be just as nice as 26 letters! 

photo courtesy of parents.com
Soooooo...onto my next idea.  I have been wanting to put a hat rack in Jacob's room for some time now.  I thought this would be the perfect way to do it.  I bought a hat rack at Michael's, and bought the corrugated letters H, A & T.      Say it with me,  "H is for HAT!".  

I knew I would have more than one hat hanging, so I had to add the letter S.  I picked out bold yarn colors --- not so pastel-y, like the rest of his room.  Then, I took the letters and started wrapping them, securing the loose ends with Aileen's Fabric Glue.  And here's what I got:

I wanted the paint colors to somewhat coordinate with the yarn colors, so I picked out Martha Stewart's mini paints and got crafty with his hat rack.  At the end, I thought, this is no fun for a kid.  It was just bold colors.  He needed more to look at.  

Jacob loves balls, and I thought this would be a great way to introduce him to sports.  Now we are learning the difference between balls.  Basketball is  buuuskeeeebail.  Football is Fooobull.  You get my drift.  Eventually, he'll get it, right?  :)  

I had all that paint leftover, so I decided to go buy a few frames at Michael's, and paint them to coordinate with the letters.  Here's what I came up with:

Still need to find some pictures to fill those frames up with!  
All in all, I had a fun time with this project.  Never mind it taking me a month and a half to finish...but believe it or not, those letters take a good hour or two if you want them to look right.  I did H & A on our drive to Wisconsin, for Easter...and did T on the drive back.  S was finished in between Bethanny Ever After and The Real Housewives of Orange County.  

Totally cute update to Jacob's room for less than $100.00 (those darn frames are what cost me).  

Here are some other cute/creative ideas for yarn letters:            

photo courtesy of randomanderson.wordpress.com
Cute for a little baby room...although, those paper circles hanging are not very practical.  I know Jacob would pull those suckers right off.
yarn letters
photo courtesy of: ontobaby.com
Even incorporate them into a baby gender reveal party! Which by the way, this is seriously the most adorable party ever.  I will totally copy this idea for the next shower I throw!  
photo courtesy of Nap Time Crafters - nametimecrafters.com
Something I am going to try out for Halloween - would look adorable on the fireplace mantel

photo courtesy of: handicraftsguide.blogspot.com
How cool would this be in a kitchen, right above a kitchen table?
Photo Courtesy of: theviolethours.typepad.com
And with all those yarn leftovers, why not wrap a few gifts.  Wow, the world of yarn is endless!  Who knew?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter

Why I Love Easter...

 Daffodils and Jelly Beans, all rolled into one!

photo courtesy of: http://www.fun-tea-party-ideas.com/images/easterdeco3.jpg

Spring Flowers....beautiful!

Flower Arrangements in Eggshells

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (I can seriously eat a dozen in one sitting)
Image Detail
photo courtesy of: www.southernsavers.com

Peeps!  Even better when they are left out overnight!  
Image Detail
photo courtesy of: www.makeandtakes.com
Who doesn't love butter sculptures? 

Image Detail
photo courtesy of:  www.flickr.com

Easter Egg Trees
another easter egg tree idea
photo courtesy of:  www.marthastewart.com

A Delicious Ham - full of salty goodness

For Easter
photo courtesy of: www.myrecipes.com

Love those Easter Egg Hunts - especially now that Jacob can enjoy them!

easter egg hunt
photo courtesy of: www.marthastewart.com

But, most of all, I love Easter because Easter is the day when we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead. Jesus gave His life to die for our sins.   Easter is a reminder that all of the things I just listed above really are the small things in life.  We have so much more to look forward to!  What a wonderful feeling to have.  Happy Easter to you all!   

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's For Breakfast?

I love that every morning, before Brian leaves for work, he says, "what should I eat for breakfast"?  It's become something I just expect from him, along with my goodbye kiss - of course.  :)  I mean, he pretty much knows that an egg, bacon, and pancake buffet is never going to happen before 8:00am.  So, what does he expect?   

He gets so overjoyed when I tell him that along with his Greek Yogurt, (which he seriously takes to work EVERYDAY) I got him Pop-Tarts, Toaster Strudels or Cereal Bars. 

SIDE NOTE: My mother-in-law is probably cringing, or crying at this right now.  . .saying,  "Awww, bless her little heart for trying, but she will never give him the breakfasts that I gave him". His mom makes bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice every morning for us when we go to visit.  Don't worry Linda, I am giving him excellent lunches and dinners to make up for it!  :)      

Anyway, I got sick of buying "crap" for breakfast.  I know it's not good for either of us.  Of course, my mind went right to Pinterest for healthy breakfast ideas.  I found a recipe by Smashed Peas and Carrots, called No-Bake Energy Bites.  I figured, since Brian is always coming home at lunchtime, saying, "I AM SO TIRED" he needed the energy.  AND, I love that it is no-bake.  Anything that says "no-bake" is my best friend.

I took the recipe from Smashed Peas and Carrots, and I modified it a tad bit.

No-Bake Energy Bars
Recipe: Slightly adapted from Smashed Peas and Carrots

3 packets of Low-Sugar Quaker Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal
1/2 cup of all-natural peanut butter (we make our own at a local grocery store)
1/3 cup honey
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips, and an extra handful to sprinkle on top
1 tsp vanilla

Mix everything together in a medium bowl, until incorporated.  Put a layer of parchment paper in an 8x8 dish.  Empty mixture into the dish.  Press firmly, and sprinkle the remaining chocolate chips on top (use a spoon to press them into the mixture).  Let the bars chill in the refrigerator for up to an hour. 

Then, cut into small squares, and serve!  They stay good for up to a week, in an airtight container.  (I am too lazy to roll them into balls, as the original recipe calls for...but I am sure they taste just as good cut up into a square!)   
Brian is so thrilled about this new breakfast I have for him.  He "pre-tasted" a bar yesterday, and thought it was amazing.  I am thinking how wonderful this is going to be.  All I have to do is mix these ingredients together on Sunday night, and package them in little baggies.  Then, he is good to go for the whole week, with yogurt in tow, of course!
Give these a try!  It is such a healthy way to start the morning.  And, BONUS, these are chocked full of natural energy - none of that Monster/RedBull junk.  Feel free to add other ingredients, and get creative with the recipe!  Nuts, raisins, dried fruit...that all sounds like a pretty delicious way to start your day!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Home Sweet Home - In The Bathroom, That Is

Don't you always feel better in your own bathroom?  I know for me, even if we stay at a really nice hotel, I am still like, "ewww...other people (with planters warts and toe fungus) have stepped foot in this shower"!  AND YOU KNOW those maids aren't scrubbing with 409 Antibacterial Foam.  Oh no they're not!  It's some concoction, with a Water to Mr. Clean ratio of 99-1.  Or, I think about all the people that sneeze (or worse) and touch the knobs on the sink...and like before, the maids aren't using Lysol Wipes to clean up after them.  They are using the same rag that they used in rooms 209-229 to clean off those knobs.  GROSS!  I'm sorry if you have never thought of this before, but now you will.  I have completely ruined your future hotel stays.
bathroom - filthy
This is an actual hotel bathroom in Budapest.  OMG!  RUN!

  Well, even my bathroom downstairs was starting to feel like a hotel (not like the one above, though).  I knew it was clean, because I clean it...but it just wasn't MY bathroom upstairs.  But, now I am home at last.  Home Sweet Bathroom Home!

Basement bathroom- so hard to say goodbye to you...wink wink

I know, you are probably wondering why I don't use the basement bathroom all the time.  It is really nice, clean, and updated.  There is more room, and there is a bigger area to get ready in.  Well, let me tell you why.  It's cold in the wintertime...why even bother to shave, because when you get out, hair 
is back within seconds.  And, in the summertime, it is too humid/damp, why even bother washing your hair, it's already wet from sweating (Oh So Nasty).
For the past 3 months, I have had to shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face in the basement bathroom.  While it's a good leg workout, (going up and down the stairs) and I know I have stair stepped at least 200 calories off my bod... I'm tired.  I just want to walk around the corner from my bedroom, and do my business.  That's just general bathroom talk - no pun intended.  

SO...it happened.  It actually happened.  My amazing, talented, and handy husband finished - well, almost finished, the bathroom.  We still have a few loose ends that we need to tie up, but they are so minor, you won't even find them in the pictures below.

Remember, this is what it looked like before

AND NOW...Check out the pics of the finished bathroom, below.  

 Still not sure which one I am going to use as the accent towel.  Looking for a big, dark grey, plush towel for underneath one of these lucky guys who will be proudly displayed in the Licht's bathroom!  :)  TOWELS -www.westelm.com TOWEL BAR - www.target.com

My first medicine cabinet, and I AM LOVING IT!  It holds so much that I used to clutter my sink top with.  MIRROR: www.kohler.com YIKES, I need to take an iron to my curtain, don't I?

Let's take a look inside of you.  Oh, you are so spacious!  Trust me, I've since filled her up!   We didn't add this cabinet to just hold toothbrushes and hairspray!

Isn't this light fixture luxurious?  LAMP/LAMPSHADE: www.lowes.com

Just another view, isn't she a beauty?

Updated light switch plate.  Hey, it beat the plastic beast we had before.  PLATE: www.target.com

My hotel shower, minus the warts and toe fungus!

Couldn't do anything about the window, so we figured we'd keep on giving the neighbors a show!  :)

Love the look of marble, it feels so clean.  Our tub was re-glazed for just under $400. - saved us about $1000, vs. putting in a new tub.  MARBLE: www.lowes.com (approx. 400 pieces) PAINT COLOR: BEHR - Gentle Rain (www.homedepot.com)  SHOWER CURTAIN: www.westelm.com

Updated knobs to match our original door knobs.  1920's glass door knobs.  KNOBS: www.target.com

TRASH CAN: www.target.com TOILET PAPER HOLDER: www.target.com

VANITY: www.restorationhardware.com

I wanted matching brushed nickel faucets...easier to cover up water stains!   Hey, whatever works, right? I'm a busy mom!  :)  SINK/SHOWER FAUCETS: www.lowes.com (MOEN)


RUG: www.westelm.com  FLOOR TILE: Hampshire Slate 16x16-cut to 8x16 www.homedepot.com

WHITE CABINET: www.target.com
TOILET: www.kohler.com ---comfort height...oooh lala!

See this empty space?  I have ordered something on Etsy.com to finish off the decor.  Pictures to come!  And, we still need two towel hooks for behind the door.  Just haven't found any that scream, "HANG A TOWEL ON ME".

Are you inspired to renovate a room in your house?  Now that we've done our bathroom (minus having to touch up/buy a few things yet) I am already wondering what room to do next?  Basement laundry room?  I have a vision for that...who knows what will pop up next!  I am sure my hubby can't wait to hear my next request!  Happy Friday to you guys!