Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You're One Of A Kind, Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had to put on my creative hat.  I knew I wanted to make a Valentine this year.  You know, Pinterest is so inspiring, it almost makes you feel guilty if you don't do anything for every holiday.  I took a look on Pinterest, but couldn't really find anything that was "me".  Then, I received an email from Peartreegreetings.com (one of my favorite stationary/card websites) and it had great ideas for Valentine's.  However, my hubby said N-O to buying Valentines.  He said, why are you spending more money on a card, when you just sent one out for Christmas...the baby hasn't changed in two months.  OK, he soooooo doesn't get me sometimes!  Duh, I needed a project!  So, I decided it was time to get creative, and create one.  I had a vision, from Pear Tree, so it was time to go on my treasure hunt and collect my goodies. 

I got the idea of making my own envelope inserts, from my sister-in-law, Katie.  Awhile back, she made me personalized stationary, and I loved how she made the inserts, so I did my own version.  I got thrifty.  I visited the Dollar Store.  Did you know the Dollar Store sells Reynolds Tin Foil and Saran Wrap for $1.00?  I just paid $4.50 EACH at The Blue Goose for those suckers.  Maybe I will have to start looking at their Sunday Flyer, before I do my "REAL" shopping.  Anyway, I saw some heart shaped doilies, chocolate foil wrapped lips, and lots of other "stuff" that I DIDN'T NEED.  I grabbed the doilies, and the lips, and dashed. 

Next stop, Michael's Craft Store.  I could spend hours there.  But, since I was with a child, I only had 10 minutes MAX.  I grabbed some scrap booking red-dotted paper, blank white envelopes, heart doily stickers (thank you Martha Stewart Collection), and some XO felt stickers.

Last but not least, I stopped at a local paper shop, and bought 50 pieces of card stock, which was already cut into 4x6.  Phew, because I really didn't feel like doing that!

Here's how I broke it down:

All the supplies

Start with a plain, white envelope

Stuff a doily in the envelope, upside down

Cut out a triangle shaped accent paper

Start the gluing process

Keep gluing

Add a cute sticker

Stick on some chocolate lips for a truly sweet kiss

Sending a big smooch to you!

AND, Voila!  It's a homemade Valentine!

One thing I messed up on...I didn't get the Valentine weighed before I sent it.  I took all 48 Valentine's to the post office, and the lady said, your total is ...Are you ready for this???  $100.00.  They were going to charge me almost $2.00/Valentine.  I stuffed them back inside my bag, put my head down, and walked out to my car.  I had to get creative again.  The lips were what was weighing it down, and the felt "XO" letters were an extra .20.  I pulled off the lips, and put them in a dish for me to eat...and peeled off the felt letters, and put them on the back of the card.  There, problem solved...and I slapped a good old forever stamp on those babies, and sent them out.        

We definitely had a great Valentine's Day. 

My little Valentine

Benjamin and Chloe, just Chillin'

Grandpa loves his boys

So mad!  But I still love that face!

Bragging & showing off all his Valentine's!

We made these for Daddy, while he was at work!

OK, I made the strawberries, while Jacob colored on this piece of paper

Best friends

Always on the go!


Both doing our "kissy" face

Now thanks to the 2.00 postage fee, I will enjoy all these chocolates tonight!

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